Meet The Warrior

My name is Nick. Ever since I can remember Iv always been drawn to listening or reading quotes on stoicism, improvement, inspiration, religion, respect etc. It’s the internal fire burning and hair standing feeling sensation you get when you come in contact with a quote that hits you with pure motivation. I realised it was my inner warrior sending me a message, shouting these quotes at me from the inside wanting me to take his hand so we can finally become one and take that Warriors Mindset into the modern world.


We believe that every man has a warrior within him, a force that drives the desire to become a better version of himself everyday. The Better Man Tool Kit provides every man with his own Warriors Vault, to empower men with the tools, motivation, products you would need to forge a Warriors Mindset on your journey of self-improvement and better lifestyle. Whether it’s enhancing your physical fitness, educational growth, gadgets or travel destinations we are here to provide the best tools.

The “Warriors Vault” embodies a community dedicated to nurturing strength, courage, and a sense of duty. It is a secure and treasured place where virtues such as integrity, honor, and righteousness are safeguarded and preserved. This sacred repository is more than just a collection of resources; it is a sanctuary of wisdom and a beacon of personal growth, resilience, and excellence. 

It’s time to become obsessed and start living like the man who your past ancestorial warriors and the people who rely on you, can be proud of. Let your inner warrior out, and create the life you desire. Together, we are unstoppable.